Tewfik Hamel
Tewfik Hamel is a consultant and a researcher in Military History. Before, he was a research fellow at the Paris-based Foundation for Political Innovation (2008-2009) and a member of the Mediterranean Foundation for Strategic Studies (Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Etudes Stratégiques, FMES).
A member of the Editorial Board of Geostratégiques ,Tewfik Hamel is the author of several articles that have published in the National Defence Review, Geostratégiques and the review of the common market and the European Union.
Tewfik Hamel holds a Masters in Political Science (University of Algiers) and a Masters in History of International Relations (University of Strasbourg-II). He is finishing his PhD dissertation on “The Strategy of Engagement of the United States in Southern Countries in the era of globalization.”
Working languages: Arabic, English, French
Fields of specialisation
- Political, Economic and Security Issues in North Africa
- The Foreign Policy of Algeria
- The American Policy in the Middle East
- Euro-Mediterranean Relations
- Transatlantic Relations
- American and European Defence Policies
– Security and Defence Policies in the Arab world